Posts by Author: Daniela Bowker

Daniela Bowker
Daniela Bowker is a writer and editor based in the UK. Since 2010 she has focused on the photography sector. In this time, she has written three books and contributed to many more, served as the editor for two websites, written thousands of articles for numerous publications, both in print and online, and runs the Photocritic Photography School.

Have you ever noticed the Purkinje Shift?

Aug 27, 2016
Daniela Bowker

The chances are as a photographer that you pay close attention to light and colour, even if you don’t have a camera in your hand….

What is the golden ratio and why is it meant to be beautiful?

Aug 14, 2016
Daniela Bowker

Photography is awash with rules, from the inverse square rule to the Sunny 16 rule; and nestling among the composition rules in the golden ratio….

What is the Sunny 16 Rule and does it still matter?

Jul 30, 2016
Daniela Bowker

Do people who take photos today still use the Sunny 16 Rule? Do they even know about the Sunny 16 Rule? I think it might…

The portfolio of portfolios: what you need, and why

Jul 16, 2016
Daniela Bowker

Portfolio. Gosh that can be a scary word. When you have to compile a greatest hits of your photography life and future commissions and your…

Why competitions are good for your photography (and how to make the most of them)

Jul 3, 2016
Daniela Bowker

Submitting your work to competitions can feel daunting. You submit your work to scrutiny and for anyone who is emotionally invested in their photos, they…

Fathers and daughters: why do 2/3 of the population prefer that dads will take family photos?

Jun 19, 2016
Daniela Bowker

It’s Father’s Day today and accordingly, my email inbox has been deluged with gift ideas for fathers. Even if they are photographically inclined (you might not…

What the heck is hyperfocal distance?

Jun 4, 2016
Daniela Bowker

I often get the feeling that photography is talked and written about as if its practitioners have an innate knowledge of the terms involved. Any…

Is it time for Instagram to consider scheduled posting?

May 20, 2016
Daniela Bowker

The words ‘Instagram’ and ‘schedule’ are not exactly natural bedfellows. The notion of carefully curating and managing posts on a platform that espouses the spontaneity…

Affinity Photo: can it give Adobe a run for its money?

May 7, 2016
Daniela Bowker

I am currently in the market for a Lightroom replacement. It’s a story involving a dead laptop and Adobe’s business practices, which are simultaneously too…

The ABC of photography ‘types’

Apr 23, 2016
Daniela Bowker

Fox Talbot: Dawn of the Photograph opened at Media Space, part of the Science Museum, in London last week. Using a mixture of images, artefacts,…